Saturday, October 6, 2018

FIRSTS Litter - Day 26

My apologies for the long delay. After 2 weeks of being gone from both the puppies and my employment, I’ve been playing catch up on all fronts including sleep. Hopefully today’s update will bring you as many smiles as I have had this week with them. Some new things you’ll notice in the photos is that there are two puppy beds, one for each puppy. We have also moved from sleeping in a puppy pen to sleeping in a crate, along with a litter box.

It has been a long week of growth, giggles, and small sleeping windows. Mars is producing less milk and the appetites of our little fur balls is growing. They are now eating a ground chuck and goat milk mixture at least 3 times per day. They also have discovered that they have teeth. No one with uncovered toes on the floor is safe. These sharp mouths are also causing Mars to tell them they’re no longer welcome at the milk bar. It won’t be long now and they will be completely weaned. Technically, right now they are weaned and just suckle on Mars for comfort. I think it’s a two way street between Mars and the puppies.


Synnie is also starting to play with the puppies more. Blue girl this morning was pouncing and growling at her. Mars is okay with this although she does sometimes try to growl at Synnie while they’re playing. I remind her that she didn’t want to play with them, so Synnie is filling in. They like to tug and pull on the toys and they’re starting to try to explore more. They are both using the potty box, although not always on their own. But simply placing them back in the box and telling them to go potty seems to do the trick. This morning, they both also pooped in the box, for which we had a HUGE party. 

With their newly found teeth, it won’t be long now that they’ll be getting chicken wings to chew on (putting the wings in the fridge to thaw now). We’ll also be starting with a small water dish this weekend now that they have the coordination to lap up liquids. This week will also be when we give them their second dose of dewormer, the first dose having been administered 2 weeks ago. 

They are also exploring more. They are slipping out into the hallway from the puppy room at full speed when they think I’m not looking. Part of me is thankful there are only two of them to chase after. Blue girl is rather quick on her feet when she makes the decision to run. She’s also just as stubborn as her momma when it comes to not doing what she wants. I think yesterday she and I had multiple standoffs about the potty box. I put her in. She runs out. I put her in. She runs out. Sometimes she wins. Sometimes I win. 

They both also like to play together. And they take turns playing rough and dirty. I’ve had to get after them both about biting too hard, both legs and ears. And Amanda has had to get after Green Boy for biting Blue Girl’s tail. Neither of them seem to have a fearful personality at all. Heaven help us all. BUT, when it's time for a nap (or bedtime at night), they are learning that with a nice ice cold frozen water bottle or ice pack, dream time comes and everyone has some peace.

And after putting the puppies down for a morning nap today, Mars and Synnie reminded me of what life with Sammies is all about as they played chase up and down the hall (which is a no-no in Mama Amanda’s house) and when I wasn’t looking, I think they slipped into her room to play smack down on her bed. I’m sure this is retribution for keeping them locked in our room last night. But I have to tell you, in doing so, I discovered that the puppies will sleep all night without interruption when Mars isn’t allowed to wake them up. Now I know who to blame for my 2-hours-at-a-time sleeping pattern from this week. Anyway, after their running in the hall while the puppies were trying to sleep, I came down the hall and happened upon this site. No idea what it means and the two of them have left it there all day.

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Two weeks already?!?!

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